Mzuzu City Mayor Ousted in Dramatic Vote


Under controversial circumstances, the combined forces of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and UTM Party ward councilors joined forces to vote out the MCP Councilor, Gift Desire Nyirenda from the position of Mzuzu City mayor.

The dramatic vote saw nine out of a total of 15 councilors gang up to oust the incumbent mayor, paving the way for UTM councilor Bright Nyasulu to make a comeback.

Nyasulu, who was voted out of office just two and a half years ago, received the backing of the combined DPP and UTM councilors, securing his return to the mayoral position.

The move was seen as a strategic alliance between the two parties, which has left the MCP reeling. The development has sparked interest in the political landscape of Mzuzu City, with many eagerly watching to see how this new alliance will shape the city’s governance.

However the election did not just go without some controversies specifically, a ward councilor for…. Piera Chiumia raised a point of order regarding one of the candidate’s eligibility to contest, Nyirenda, who is facing a rape case in court.

Nyasulu, New city chief

The voting process was halted for some minutes while the presiding officers consulted on the matter, but ultimately they ruled that Nyirenda could still contest in the election because he is not convicted.

In his acceptance speech, Nyasulu assured the Council that he is going to work with everyone regardless of political beliefs for the benefit of the city which he said to be lagging behind in terms of development.

“We have the Mzuzu City to develop which is everyone’s priority so let’s work together regardless of our political beliefs,” said Nyasulu.

In a separate interview, the ousted City Mayor conceded defeat and thanked his fellow Councilors for giving him opportunities to serve in both offices: first as Deputy Mayor and then the city father while at his tender age.

“I must thank my fellow Councilors for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve in both offices, of the Deputy Mayor and the city chief respectively, a thing which I shall always cherish in my life,” said Nyirenda.

Full Council in session

The vote marks a significant shift in the political dynamics of the city, and it remains to be seen how this will impact the city’s development and the relationships between the various political parties.

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