How SKC and SPC Worked Together in Transforming Malawi

By Ray Phillips

Colleen Zamba, Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC), and former Vice President late Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima shared a remarkable working relationship, united by their passion to transform Malawi into a beacon of hope and prosperity.

Despite not showing it in public, their partnership was built on mutual respect, trust, and a shared vision for a better future. The duo, worked so hard to deliver President Chakwera’s Vision.

As SPC, Zamba was playing a pivotal role in coordinating government activities, while Chilima, as Vice President, championed reforms in the public sector, all of which are at the heart of President Dr. Lazarus Mc Carthy Chakwera.

Speaking to insiders, their roles overlapped seamlessly, with Zamba providing critical support to late Chilima, who had vowed to help the President deliver on his agenda of transforming Malawi.

One source confided in us that together, they formed a productive working relationship, driving change and progress in Malawi.

One notable example of their collaboration was the Public Sector Reform Program. Dr. Chilima, with Zamba’s assistance as SPC, spearheaded the initiative to revamp the public sector, promoting efficiency, transparency, and accountability.

Madam Zamba’s openness in policy implementation and coordination ensured a smooth rollout of the program, which will continue to yield results beyond SKC’s untimely passing.

Under their leadership, the program achieved significant milestones including the use of digital platforms for government services, the introduction of a performance-based evaluation system for public servants, and the strengthening of institutions to combat corruption.

Their partnership also extended to the economic sector, where they worked tirelessly to attract investment and promote entrepreneurship. Dr. Chakwera never had to worry as these were his dedicated arsenal.

Dr. Chilima’s charisma and Madam Zamba’s diplomatic prowess helped secure crucial partnerships with international organizations and foreign investors, paving the way for sustainable economic growth.

As Malawi continues to mourn it’s Vice President it is therefore time to also applaud his dedication to Malawi’s development as it was evident in the two’s countless hours spent brainstorming innovative solutions, challenging each other to think outside the box, and celebrating every triumph as a team.

Looking at the results, one can only conclude from outside, looking in that the bond was forged in the fires of shared purpose, and the legacy of SKC continues to inspire a new generation of leaders.

Madam Zamba on Chilima’s passing is quoted to have said these sentiments, “The Vice President was a true partner and friend. Our collaboration was a testament to what can be achieved when dedicated individuals work together towards a common goal.”

Though Chilima’s untimely passing has left a void in the hearts of Malawians, his legacy, nurtured by his partnership with Madam Zamba, continues to inspire hope and resilience.

Their story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, unity, and dedication can lead to transformative change.

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