Leo Forecasted Moyale’s Turbulence


A fortnight ago, the Mighty Wakawaka Tigers FC coach Leo Mpulula spelled doom for Moyale Barracks FC, saying if the military team travels to a venue where the playing surface is smooth it will be very difficult to claim victory in the TNM Super League.

Speaking in Mzuzu, when his Mighty Wakawaka Tigers narrowly lost 0-1 to the military side, Mpulula had no any kind word saying that Moyale plays ping-pong type of football taking advantage of the home Stadium’s bumpy pitch which only favours the tall, strong and not necessary for skillful players.

“I can assure you, Moyale Barracks cannot win on a smooth surface wherever teams play a passing game, the Mzuzu Stadium favours them with their tall and energetic players enjoying that ping-pong type of football,” said Mpulula.

Mpulula then took time to blast the Mzuzu City Council for failure to manage the playing surface of the stadium which he said must be closed from hosting high profile games.

Ironically, Moyale Barracks coach, Prichard Mwansa defended the pitch saying it isn’t all that bad arguing that that is the state of most of the playing surfaces in Malawi, and his team has adapted well to playing on it.

We don’t have good football pitches in the country apart from the Kamuzu, Chitowe, Silver and Nankhaka stadiums, after all we were playing on the same bad pitch and I am happy my boys have won,” said Mwansa.

But when Moyale Barracks traveled to Karonga on Sunday for a week-10 TNM Super fixture where the playing surface is better, it has become clear that Mpulula’s assessment was accurate. Karonga United dominated possession and played that fluid passing game, leaving the Barracks players struggling to keep up.

Mpulula, proved a point?

Surely, it was only a matter of time before Karonga United found the back of the net, with striker Matthew Zaulombo proving to be a constant threat with his speed and skill on the ball leaving the Barracks defenders chasing shadows.

Despite their best efforts, Moyale Barracks struggled to create meaningful chances on goal. The smooth playing surface was clearly not suiting their usual style of play, and they found themselves outmatched by the Karonga United’s technical ability.

As the final whistle blew, Karonga United FC emerged victorious with a commanding 2-0 win. Coach Oscar Kaunda’s tactics paid off, proved that they are a force to be reckoned with.

As for Moyale Barracks, coach Mwansa must be left with plenty to think about, perhaps this is the time to reassess his team’s playing style and adapt to different conditions if the military outfit is to compete with the best teams in the league.

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