Malawi Is Highest Africa’s Pumpkin Producer


Malawi is Africa’s largest producer of pumpkins, producing 428,754.79 tonnes in 2023 playing a significant role in both food security and income generation for many farmers.

It lies on position twelve (12) in the world in terms of pumpkin production with the favourable climate and soil conditions makes it an ideal location for the cultivation hence making them are a versatile crop that can be used for both food and non-food purposes.

However, ranked on second position in Africa is Zambia’s pumpkin production which is insignificant and doesn’t register on the global scale.

Pumpkins forms part of Malawi’s staple food in many households, with the flesh being used in a variety of dishes such as stews, soups, and porridges with the seeds also being roasted and eaten as a snack or used to make cooking oil.

In addition to food consumption, pumpkins are also used for medicinal purposes in Malawi, seeds are also believed to have various health benefits, including promoting healthy skin, reducing inflammation, and improving prostate health.

With a yield of 22.494 tonnes per hectare, overall pumpkins plays a crucial role in the agricultural landscape of Malawi, providing both nutritional and economic benefits to the population.

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